30 players have been signed up for this competition as of 5:12 PM Tuesday 15th October
Graham Alexander (19.2) |
Steve Chapman (9.1) |
James Deegan (14.6) |
Simon Edge (15.8) |
Michael Edwards (17.8) |
Paul Evans (13.6) |
Luke Fitzsimmons (19.1) |
Mike Furlong (29.1) |
Harry Gordon (Wallasey) |
Philip Green (12.5) |
Brian Hamilton (15.3) |
Ian Holmes (20.1) |
Roger Ibbotson (18.8) |
Geoff Jackson (19.8) |
John Matthews (36.3) |
Dave McCann (15.4) |
Hugh Milroy (25.7) |
Terence Nelligan (22.9) |
The President (25.3) |
Edward Roberts (27.9) |
William Robinson (18.6) |
Andrew Rogers (Royal Liverpool) |
Phil Scott (20.4) |
Frank Shotter (19.8) |
Ian Stuart (15.2) |
Andrew Tattershall (12.1) |
David Thompson (0.0) |
Matt Thompson (1.7) |
Gareth Williams (13.9) |
Nigel Worthington (20.9) |